
“It was very important this not feel like a corporate aesthetic imposed on them.”

— Todd DeGarmo, Studios CEO

Philip Johnson went way out on a limb, architecturally speaking, with the broken pediment crowning his New York headquarters for AT&T in 1984. But kitsch be damned, that postmodern Chippendale roof launched Johnson’s star into the stratosphere. The Sony Corporation of America later acquired the tower and rebranded it, then sold it three years ago to a real-estate developer planning to convert the offices into a hotel and apartments. Preparing to move on, Sony enlisted Studios Architecture to guide the search for a new HQ—something as architecturally legit as the Johnson building is winkingly ersatz.

– Extracted from Interior Design


The Mobile Light was used throughout nineteen floors of office space in Sony’s NY headquarters. These fixtures provide a stellar amount of light, making the Mobiles an ideal choice for open workplaces that need both architectural and decorative lighting. The single-point canopy makes the installation in high quantities a breeze for electricians. Our designs take into account how our products are installed and maintained. For example, our ceiling canopy for all our rigid-stem Lights utilizes a slip ring allowing the fixtures to be easily mounted prior to wiring. All wiring can now be completed with the fixture hanging, making adjustments quick and hassle-free.

Featured Stuff

Mobile Light

Pendant with rotating arms provides a wide spread of light. The adaptable fixture adds a sculptural element perfect for living and dining areas.

Also available in 3 arm version


Stuff: Mobile Light
Studios Architecture
Photography: Eric Laignel
Lighting Design: Kugler Ning Lighting Design
Location: New York, NY


Kelp House


Black Girls Code