

Published: 5/27/2023
By: Andrew Neyer

I am trying to document How I produce all my Art. Sometimes it will resemble How It's Made; other times, it will be a slide lecture showing tools, processes, methodology, etc. You can discover templates/jigs to produce similar work(s) by going behind the scenes.

By copying, we can explore more mediums openly without taking significant risks. 

The Open Source formula: 

– Identify a subject or problem (What)
– Document the creative process (How)
– Reflect on the solution (Why)

My main objective is to distill my solutions into their simplest form so the end user can quickly steal the concept.



I love making Art, and the most efficient way to produce high quantities of Art in my lifetime is to shift my focus to publishing my processes and solutions. Stopping production to share and teach is counterintuitive to increasing production. However, I will likely inspire more people to create Art by posting How vs. What I make. While my output may slightly diminish, the investment in others compounds and creates a larger body of work than I could ever produce.

“The best way to make more Art is to make more Artists.”

– C.W. Wagons


How do you prefer to learn?

