Modern Time

“Greetings from 2125”

Published: 21/25
By: Andrew Neyer

Enter a date MM/DD into the yellow cell to display its Modern Time data.

•  Modern Time improves time division for project management, scheduling, and other timely measures
•  Time divisions: DAY | WEEK | PROJECT | YEAR | CENTURY
•  Start by entering  your Birthday to see where it lands in the year, DAY: 1–365¼ & WEEK: 1–52.143
•  Annual calendar is based on 50 weeks of work + 2 weeks of non-work
•  Dates are displayed as the ordinal day of the year, 1–365¼, paired with the current year of this century
•  Instead of a 12-month calendar, Modern Time allocates 10 Projects
•  Each Project is given precisely five weeks (35 days) to complete
•  Five-step cycles guide each Project: ① HONE, ② DO, ③ THINK, ④ REVISE, ⑤ PUBLISH

Ⓢ Installed: 21/25. Andrew Neyer, Inc. ∞ All rights surrendered



“Gregorian months do not mean anything to me. Their time division is lousy at best. I prefer counting weeks (ISO 8601), and I’d rather queue my year as ten five-week Projects with one two-week break.”

— Concerned Citizen


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